Past Projects

I've worked on a lot of different things in the past. Not all of them fit in a resume. I list them here. This is, as of now, an incomplete list.

  • Forest Friends Zine
  • Technium Podcast
  • Impromptu Spices
  • VR Experiments and Exploration

More to come

  • Prolly
  • Noteleaf
  • Mobtropolis

Forest Friends Zine

(2024) Forest Friends is a digital zine. The first issue is on doing LLM Evals

Technium Podcast

(2022-2023) The Technium Podcast is where Sri and I chat about various edge-of-the-future and retro-future technologies.

Impromptu Spices

(2021) Impromptu Spices sells a single spice blend reminiscent of a bowl of Beef Noodle Soup. Covered on

VR Experiments and Explorations

I made a set of quick demos and experiments in VR.